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[atlarge-discuss] RE: ...freedom-loving people clearly have more work to do...

Jim, since you included many of our key players in your original message, I
thought I'd CC our At-Large Discussion List forum, since your comments
mirror many others' writing here, and our members deserve to read them,
since the distraction factor you mention regarding the ALAC is a real
problem we need to overcome, and soon!

In my opinion, the ALAC was formed out of fear, in part as a response to our
self-organizing, as well as highly critical NGO papers appearing at that
time.  If you don't agree, reread the verbiage coming out of ICANN prior to
the Accra meeting.  They were talking a very different game.  We began
organizing just prior to the Accra meeting, and suddenly ICANN, in that
meeting, started up yet another AL*C committee to sidetrack us.  We didn't
bite and kept organizing.  In fact, some of our members, who were attending
ALAC meetings representing other affiliations they hold, actually tried to
pushed through significant changes, and were locked out of the final group
that actually wrote the document you referred to.

We are not "distracted" by the ALAC.  In fact, I think it's safe to say
that, since electing our first full-term panel members, we are more focused
than ever on the many tasks ahead of us.  We have scores of people
volunteering to assist in various working groups to build the
infrastructure, place us on firm legal and financial footing, and kick-start
outreach.  And it's all being done in the open in our e-mail forums and on
the Web site, visible to anyone who wants to watch.  The way ICANN *should*
be doing business but isn't.

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
Support democratic control of the Internet!
Go to http://www.icannatlarge.com and Join ICANN At Large!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Fleming [mailto:JimFleming@ameritech.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 12:00 AM
To: izumi@anr.org; emv@southtech.com.ar; ateneas@retemail.es;
pshane@andrew.cmu.edu; tommi.karttaavi@iki.fi; legales@derecho.org.ar;
Christian.Ahlert@sowi.uni.giessen.de; sotiris@hermesnetwork.com;
svensson@icannchannel.de; Vittorio Bertola
Cc: Richard Henderson; karl@cavebear.com; Joop Teernstra; Joe Baptista;
Joanna Lane; jefsey@jefsey.com; james.love@cptech.org; ellen@rony.com;
Richard J. Sexton; Bruce Young; k@widgital.com; Milton Mueller
Subject: ...freedom-loving people clearly have more work to do...


The ERC asked Esther Dyson (a member the ALOC - At-Large Organizing
Committee, and former member of the ALSC - ICANN At-Large Study
Committee) and Denise Michel (coordinator of www.at-large.org, At-Large
Organizing Committee, and former Executive Director of the
ALSC) to identify a small group of individuals to provide assistance in
defining how an ALAC could be created and what it should do.

Dyson and Michel asked for volunteers from the ALOC, and the ERC
subsequently appointed these individuals, in addition to Dyson and
Michel, to help craft this report as members of the Assistance Group:

  a.. Gabriel Piñeiro (LatinoamerICANN);
  b.. Tommi Karttaavi (ISOC Finland);
  c.. Peter M. Shane (InSITeS - Institute for the Study of Information
Technology and Society);
  d.. Núria de la Fuente Teixidó (STEC - Sistemas Técnicos de Enseñanza
  e.. Edmundo Valenti (Internet Society Argentina Chapter);
  f.. Vittorio Bertola (ISOC Italy); and
  g.. Izumi Aizu (former NAIS member - NGO and Academic ICANN Study).
The Assistance Group encouraged other individuals involved in At-Large
organizing to assist with this effort, and would like to
acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions:

  a.. Alexander Svensson (Manager, www.icannchannel.de, DNSO General
Assembly Alternate Chair, creator of www.alac.info);
  b.. Sotiris Sotiropoulos (ALOC member, and member of
www.icannatlarge.com); and
  c.. Christian Ahlert (ALOC member, and former NAIS member).

Looks like yet another group, **orchestrated**, to distract people from the
I* society lock on resource allocations and cash-flow.
The owners of address space (like land), managed via 0:0 .ARPA and
IN-ADDR.ARPA, must be quite pleased.
The distraction groups keep people from noticing what is really going on
behind the scenes. It is ironic that
the Internet Architecture and technology allows people to easily see that,
but they choose, instead, to be distracted.
One has to hope that future generations will be more educated and will not
so easily be distracted and will keep
their eye on the address allocations and the cash flow as the shell games
move the ball under their noses.

"Theosophy teaches that evil acts must be offset by acts of goodness..."
...freedom-loving people clearly have more work to do...

Jim Fleming
2002:[IPv4]:000X:03DB:...IPv8 is closer than you think...

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