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[atlarge-discuss] Note to Satyajit and others.

Dear At-Largers,

This is "the price" so-called democracy should pay for.
Satyajit can decide what he thinks right and appropriate.

Again, "the beauty" of the same democracy is we can have
further chance to discuss why etc. If possible, the parties are
engaged can change their views or positions if they feel
convinced or persuaded. Otherwise, they stick to what they
initially thought right.

Therefore, it might be good chance for those who think
differently from Satyajit to discuss this matter with Satyajit.

> I see that icannatlarge.com Panelist Satyajit Gupta has endorsed Alejandro
> Pisanty, the man who is orchestrating the death of the At-large, for
> term on the ICANN Board.  I also note that he didn't endorse the At-Large
> candidates (and his fellow panelists) YJ Park and Vivek Durai.  As a
> of Satyajit's endorsement, Alejandro is now officially a candidate for the
> Board, while YJ and Vivek still haven't reached the threshold


We always jump to the distorted conclusion sometimes out of
misunderstanding sometimes out of frustration or sometimes
out of mistrust. This time your endorsement seems to lead to
such impression as member of elected icannatlarge.com's panel.

Could you explain why you supported a nominee who has been
known to be against At-large members' representation? as a member
of elected icannatlarge panel?

>     As a DNSO-GA member, I wish to endorse Dr.Alejandro Pisanty for the
> ICANN Board. I believe that the expertise and the knowledge of Dr.Pisanty
> shall contribute to and enrich the Board in numerous ways. I also wish to
> set the tone by endorsing a candidate not from my country and region - the
> global village is shrinking very fast!
>    I wish Dr.Pisanty all the success in the future. I volunteer to help in
> any way I can.
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/icann-endorsements/Arc02/msg00027.html

Thank you for your explanation in advance,


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