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[atlarge-discuss] No individual blame

This is not coming from a Prophet but just an ordinary man.

Could it be that the failure of ICANN is our fault?
Could it be that petty bickering and refusal to get along and self
aggrandizement within the base is the problem?
It could be.  And it will never end.  Unless you want it to end.
Pollywogs, Engineers and Lawyers, humph!
When will you people learn that electing them to positions is not in
your best interest?
Or wait - when will you people elected stop acting in your own behalf
and start acting for users?

Right now we have two groups on our panel;
bitching and moaning or non active- freaking great!

Get your Sheets together.  Of course you disagree that is why we elected
an eclectic panel.
Stop acting so derisive and start acting cohesive as a panel.
It is bull that you have not got one thing done, total bull---t
Joanna you lobbied for and got the job, now act like a chair and get
people together.

All of you panel members, stop whining and just do it.  If you do it
wrong we will fix it. But do something!

Your loving friend,

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