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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Pax pax...

Vittorio Bertola wrote:
> However, there's nothing bad in asking explanation about an elected
> person's behaviour, if it is done politely. Voters, to judge, must
> have the chance to understand exactly what their candidates are doing
> and whether they are consistent with their promises. So I don't see
> any scandal in asking Satya to explain his position and why he thinks
> that there's no clash between what he said at election time and what
> he is doing now.

This characterizes exactly my own vision of how democracy should function in 
cyberspace.  Satyajit, as a "private" individual, need answer only to himself 
about his reasons for supporting a candidate apparently taking a position at 
odds with the aims of icannatlarge; but as a "public official," that is, an 
elected Panel member, must expect to be questioned by the electorate on any 
action he takes relevant to his position.  It comes with the territory.

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