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Re: [atlarge-discuss] U.S. Will Renew ICANN's Authority

On Sun, 2002-09-15 at 08:41, Richard Henderson wrote:
> As things stand we have 20? 30? 40? people engaged in our organisation, many
> of them bemused and unsure what we stand for. My assessment at this time, is
> that there just isn't the interest in who runs ICANN or the control of the
> DNS. Or else, we have so far not started to communicate, or educate.

The US Congress represents 250,000,000 Americans on many more topics
than our organization addresses. Yet how few US citizens do anything
other than vote based on some broad ideals of governance perpetrated by
a party? How few even vote?

What are realistic expectations of the membership, numerical and

I'll note that we've already had complaints about theoretical increases
in this list's traffic due to the straw poll...  can the membership
handle the membership's input? :)

I'm optimistic that once we get: the name, the website presence, decent
mailing lists per workgroup
... that sufficient, specific input will grow at a modest rate.

And one day, local groups will say "hey look, we've got 1000 people
involved in our state... why don't we coordinate some of this stuff

Until that point arrives, I urge panel members to stay the course of an
Internet-wide organization, FIRST, and then as need arises, consider
becoming regional.


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