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[atlarge-discuss] Domain Name: icannatlarge.org

Registration Service Provided By: Bijt.net (eNom Registrations)
Contact: domains@bijt.net
Visit: http://www.bijt.net/

Domain Name: icannatlarge.org   Enter amount 

Registrant Contact:
   Bijt.net (eNom Registrations)
   Marc Schneiders   (domains@bijt.net)
   +31 30 6992825
   FAX: +31 30 6990151
   Treublaan 14
   Zeist,  3705 CZ

Billing Contact:
   Bijt.net (eNom Registrations)
   Marc Schneiders   (domains@bijt.net)
   +31 30 6992825
   FAX: +31 30 6990151
   Treublaan 14
   Zeist,  3705 CZ

Technical Contact:
   Bijt.net (eNom Registrations)
   Marc Schneiders   (domains@bijt.net)
   +31 30 6992825
   FAX: +31 30 6990151
   Treublaan 14
   Zeist,  3705 CZ

  Note: To help prevent malicious domain hijacking and domain 
        transfer errors, the registrar has protected the registrant 
        of this domain name registrant by locking it.  Any attempted 
        transfers will be denied at the registry until the registrant 
        requests otherwise. The registrant for the name may unlock 
        the name at any time at the current registrar in order for 
        a transfer initiation to succeed 

DNS servers: 

Created: Fri Oct 04 2002 00:00:00
Expires: Sat Oct 04 2003 00:00:00

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