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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Domain Name: icannatlarge.org

Joop Teernstra wrote:

> Sotiris,
> I have asked the Panel to ratify a short webmaster Charter.  Its text has
> been published here and in the Forum. It can do with some  further
> refinement, but it is better than nothing.

I should hope that the Panel in their collective Wisdom give due consideration to
all such proposals.

> The Panel and the members need this to keep democratic control over the
> content of the website.

What does that mean exactly?

> Whoever is webmaster also needs the protection  of ratified rules so that
> honest efforts cannot be  constantly attacked as "tyranny".
> Tyranny is not the simple refusal to hand over control to every bully that
> comes along and demands the keys. Anyway, the keys to the website are
> already in Bret Fausett's responsible hands.
> Interestingly, when I write to the Panel that Webmaster Rules must be laid
> down *before* a new webmaster is appointed, the immediate reaction is a
> motion from Jamie Love to appoint Sotiris Sotiropoulos as webmaster with
> immediate effect...(and without democratic Rules to live by).

I would be more tha happy to be involved in the assemblage of such rules.  However,
the real issue here Joop is that some on the Panel perceive that it is necessary
for you to be replaced.  If they so decide, will you abide by their decision, I

> It also appears that Sotiris Sotiropoulos wants to be in control of the
> *hosting* of the site instead of favouring checks and balances and
> distribution of the controls.
> Let the Panel and the members draw their own conclusions .

By all means.  If there is any other member out there who believes that I am doing
this out of some pathological desire for power, let them speak now.  Let them add
their voice to yours.  You know very well that I have made many efforts to propel
this organization forward, even as one of your 'proteges' for a time.  I have grown
sick and tired of the pettiness and the constant bullshit, Joop.  My offer to be
webmaster for the organization includes the requirement for su privileges on the
host server, hence my offer to host the website as well.  Should someone else
(besides you, Joop) wish to grant su status on their server(s) for my work on the
site, I would not need bother to offer hosting the domain, it's as simple as that.
Although, considering you provided both services i.e. webmaster and host (even
desiner), who are you to criticize such an arrangement anyway?  Up to your old
politicking again, eh Joop?

In any case, I'm here to make things move and not to stall them any longer.

I believe much of the membership accepts and respects your contribution to this
cause to date, I myself do, but I also believe that many feel you should take a
break.  Time to reflect and be proud of all that you have accomplished and let
others add their stone(s) to the edifice.

Most Sincerely,

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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