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Re: [atlarge-discuss] WG-OUTREACH 003 - Update and Action List

At 06:20 -0700 2002/10/21, Eric Dierker wrote:
>I am pleased to see the involvement but suggest you keep it slow.
>Until you have a "thing" to join you only will do harm.

That's certainly what I've been recommending for ages -- no big recruitment drive until we know what's happening and have an organization for people to join.

Our Chair has outlined a very extensive agenda for the WG which reaches from now until the moment when we're ready to launch worldwide. 

Much of it involves "administrivia" like putting together contact lists and discussing the best way to handle enquiries and communications with other groups, which might tend to clog up the main list unnecessarily. I thought we could start work on that stuff off-list and report back to the whole group when we have something worth reporting. 

The WGs have no mandate to proceed unilaterally with anything and I am sure the time will come when we have some kind of draft report to bring to the wider membership for discussion and eventual approval before the organization is committed to any particular approach.



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."

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