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[atlarge-discuss] fiction

So the story outline goes like this;

There was this guy and he was smart enough to get some other guys
together to form a corp to basically control the internet.  He got the
contracts with the USG. but in doing so he relied on some lawyer type
firm and when they saw the potential and that he wanted to turn over
control to the users, they whacked him. Of course they had insinuated
into handling his estate.  Then they kind of partner up with the corp
that controls - oh lets say dotCOM just for fantasy- and then they run
meetings from - oh lets say bucharest to MDR to Shanghai and they
convince the USG that everything is bottoms up.  Meanwhile they have
their finger in every internet pie from Texas to Argentina.  Well they
sure couldn't turn over their books and they cannot allow open and
transparency so they influence the -Oh just for fun say the DoC, but let

us call it the CIA for flavor-.  Oh yea they call themselves the
"Staff", kind of a cool name.  Oh yea and we have these great
characters; like an executive that works for a company that has
criminally defrauded their stockholders and a lady behind the scenes
that works out of country from some wild place like Hungary.
WOW what a book of fiction!

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