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[atlarge-discuss] Democracy and it's Borders


Thanks Jeff, I appreciate your commentaries in small doses ;-] 

>  I am not sure what you mean by "Sub Domains"?

In this case Sub-Domains are used as a unique identifier. For example the http://www.Navaho Nation.Arizona.Atlarge.com, here you have a group identified as the Navaho. in the state of Arizona. and member of the Atlarge.

The variation is also true, http://Arizona.Navaho Nation.Atlarge.com here the Arizona. members the Navaho Nation. of the Atlarge. are identified.

The right to left classifier can be confusing.

Jeff, In my opinion (and I maybe wrong) the ccTDLs classification system is limiting. Consider this:

There are 961 unique Languages (fyi: Microsoft publishes 57 of these in MUIs / Multilingual User Interface pacs) , I had last counted (see: http://www.worldlanguage.com/Languages/  ) . There are also a great number of Nations, for example consider the Nations of the American Indians.
People identify themselves by the language they speak and groups they identify with. 'They' choose to put "Construction" upon this.

Countries are bound by their geographies, thus so are the ccTDLs.

The possibilities are as Boundless; as one person / one voice. However our goal* is to be united in the 'Recognition' of this, the respectful opportunity of having recognition to the point of, one person one voice. [* Utopian]

>Do you mean 3rd level Domain names for this structure for chapters by country or region?

Yes & No, as I refer to my comments above, we must agree to find a level which supports a 'Manageable' system, that is inclusive by nature. I think 'Nation-States' are a good starting point.

Addendum:  I would also like to point out that there is a danger of loosing many of our 'Linguistic species and Tribal Nations' if they are not included, and overlooked.
