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[atlarge-discuss] RE: [atlarge-panel] CHAIR ELECTION : VITTORIO, VIVECK, BRUCE nominated/seconded

Sorry for being out of touch.  I caught a stomach flu and it hit me early
Saturday morning.  I'm just now crawling out of bed!

I accept.

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin [mailto:jefsey@club-internet.fr]
|  Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:18 AM
|  To: At Large Panel
|  Cc: atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de
|  Subject: [atlarge-panel] CHAIR ELECTION : VITTORIO, VIVECK, BRUCE
|  nominated/seconded
|  Dear Richard,
|  thank you for spotting YJ Park seconding of Bruce and Vivek.
|  Here is the situation.
|  Were nominated
|  - Vittorio Vertola
|  - Michael Geist
|  - Vivek Durai
|  - Bruce Young
|  - YJ Park
|  - Jefsey Morfin
|  Declined:
|  - Michael Geist
|  - Jefsey Morfin
|  - YJ Park
|  Have been Seconded
|  - Vittorio Bertola
|  - Vivek Durai
|  - Bruce Young
|  Have accepted;
|  - none
|  Due to the circumstances I ask the three nominated, seconded Members to
|  inform me if they accept to be a candidate. As soon as I have their
|  yes/no  I will send an appropriate ballot to the list and allow at least
|  for a 48 hours long voting period.
|  thank you for your understanding
|  jfc

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