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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Time...

Jaz-Michael King wrote:

|  Where does this group stand on (a) top posting (it seems to be
|  allowed so I'll follow suit) and

No limit so far, otherwise myself and Jeff Williams would both probably be
in trouble!  :)
Many of our members have been burned by this in the past on other
Internet-related lists, so we are conciously not doing this in the name of
free speech!  Just don't be so prolific that others put you on their "twit
list" so they can keep up!  :)

|  (b) one of my peeves is that
|  all domain names cost money. TLD namespace in my opinion is a
|  public resource, much like the airwaves.

Agreed.  But the concensus among people I've discussed this with at length
is that the cost is high solely because ICANN is keeping TLD count
artificially low.  If there were hundreds of TLDs, a domain name would
likely cost nearkly nothing.

|  Just like the airwaves,
|  it costs money to keep together, but I think there's room for a
|  public TLD, much like reserved frequencies for public access
|  radio.

I've heard (and championed!) this argument in the past as well.  BUt again,
if a multiplicity of TLDs drives the cost so low it becomes trivial, the
effect is the same.  And unlike radio, *any* domain on any TLD is already
publically accessable by anyone on the net.  THe better focus here I think
is working on getting resources deployed on the client side, so everyone has
access in some fashion eith at home or through shared community resources,
preferrably the former.

|  Also, where does this group stand on expanding TLDs to include
|  anything and everything, i.e. .bob, .car, .donkey... As a group
|  is iaccanatlarge.org for keeping the reins in on allowing only a
|  select few words approved by icann become tlds?

Understand that this is a very diverse international organization, and I
imagine we have members advocating for one extereme of this issue to the
other!   And that is often true for about every substantive Internet-related
issue out there.  The one thing that we all *do* agree on is that the
direction of this organization will be driven by the concensus of its
membership, and we're still forming that consensus in almost every area:
after all, we're only nine months old as a separate entity!  So feel free to
expound on your positions!  We'd be happy to have you on board!

As for the Web site, it is in disarray right now due to a change in
Webmaster, and a lot of organizing work going on simultaneously in several
working groups (Website, Outreach, Bylaws, etc) to get our organization
going, and their collective is very hard to keep up with.  We need to do
better at getting that output to Brett Fausett, our new Webmaster (hint to
my fellow Panel members!  We really do need to keep him up to date).

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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