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[atlarge-discuss] To RALO or not to RALO

Richard writes:  << But the question: "To RALO or not to RALO" cannot be 
avoided. >>

I disagree.  The question can readily be avoided.  Icannatlarge.org will 
never be part of the RALO process because it will never meet the anticipated 
certification requirements for a RALO "structure":

1.  It is not regional organization
2.  It is not even an organization -- no bylaws nor charter, no 
incorporation, etc. 

Further, as per the preliminary recommendations of the ALAC-AG for acceptable 
at-large structures, you will note that icannatlarge is not:

a.  self-sufficient
b.  able to post current information about the organization's aims, 
structure, constituents, and working mechanisms 
c.  able to guarantee and demonstrate the real identities of its constituents 

There is only one way that icannatlarge can fit into the proposed reform 
model in conjunction with the RALOs... the ICANN Bylaws specify that the ALAC 
must offer "Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members 
of At-Large structures" -- in other words, an open and transparent discussion 
list.  That's all that icannatlarge is anyway.  When the time comes, everyone 
will migrate to the new ALAC discussion list, and icannatlarge as an 
organization will effectively cease to exist (unless it adopts some other 
narrowly defined mission such as, for example, the overthrow and replacement 
of ICANN). 

Either stake out a narrow defining mission for this group that most 
participants can rally behind or accept the inevitable dissolution of this 
body.  I see no other alternatives.  

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