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Re: [atlarge-discuss] polling closed. results now visible

Abel Wisman wrote:

> A. I did not know there was a poll "going on" since I never read any
> mails pertaining that nor did I get an invite to vite, whilst I am a
> member of attlarge dot org.
> B. My name was mentioned in this poll, without my permission, consent in
> any form and without me asking for it, nor did I run for any office or
> position, I consider this utterly rude.
> C. I have a life outside the atlarge which at time is more important
> then the at-large, so yes I need invitations to vote, not read the news,
> become aware and then complain and then get the invite.
> According to what was answered at least 220 members were not invited to
> vote, I think that says enough about "vality".

1)  You are free to leave and not take part any further.  Nobody is forcing
anyone to stay if they don't like it.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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