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[atlarge-discuss] HOWTO send a message to ICANN

OK people - it's obvious to me your in need of some advise.  Now remember
- i'm not asking you to trust me here.  I'll provide references.  But i'm
about to give you all a WEAPON you can use against icann which will
definately get alot of attention.  SO PAY ATTENTION.  and check the facts.

The best way to kick icann in the ass is for every icann@large member here
to get an inclusive namespace domain.  some admins offer them for free.


shop around ... or hell setup up your own top level domain - send me your
dns and i'll have it put in the inclusive root.  but do it - and i'll tell
you what happens.  a tld like fuckicann would be fun.  certainly it would
get the message across.  you all can do some public relations on it and
get your selves into your local papers.  looking pretty ;)  but i digress.

the usg root system does not scale well to minority demand.  a root to
survive must be responsive to the community or it becomes irrelevant.
these are technical issues.  there are also alot of problem such as the
aging of a root over time.  in a situation where domains are constantly
changing - created - dropped etc (instability) the existing url links
creat a burden on the namespace infrastructure.  and all of this is driven
by edge control - i.e. you the user.  the usg roots have been mismanaged
since day one.  the fact we pay for domains clearly shows that greed was
one of the tombstones which mark the usg root system.

essentially the roots are under serious strain.  they are old and ageing
fast and it shows in recent results released by CAIDA ... which see ..


much of the error in traffic is suspect.  at the very least a good portion
is due to a tld system where domains are unstable.

now - inclusive namespace this year caused a bang in the usg root .. which
see my article.


the critical refernces were in a technical presentaion by CAIDA to NANOG
(north maerican network operators group) meeting.  see page 31


and this does not surprise me.  one inclusive namespace user posting a
standard message to a newsgroup or conference/list can generate thousands
of inclusive namespace urls which will end up being clicked on by usg root
users and registered at the usg root level.  now you can communicate your
disatisfaction using the dns.  much like voting.  hell you should all like
that.  finally a vote that counts to the technical community.


click on that and start voting.  even on click counts.  send the url to
your friends and buddies - include it in your signature line.  use it
every day.  make up your own.  the nice thing about the scaling factor
against the usg root servers is that the mass population of usg root users
tips the balance via the dns.  So you don't even need to setup a tld - as
long as you use urls outside the usg you make a powerful difference.  and
if all 1,000 icann@large members did this - oye vey - the scaling could be
in the millions per day considering archives and active crawlers.  you
people alone could generate a technical disaster over time.

i'd appreciate comments or questions.

joe baptista

Joe Baptista - only at www.baptista.god

   Marine Net http://gr.ind

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