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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Constituency

Danny Younger wrote:

| My proposal is fairly straight-forward:  Let us petition the
| Board for
| recognition as a new Constituency.  I am willing to devote
| time and energy to
| a collaborative attempt to prepare such a petition (which I
| presume would be
| accompanied by a Charter for such a constituency).  In my
| estimation, both
| the Charter and the petition could be available for
| presentation to the Board
| at the upcoming meeting if we throw ourselves wholeheartedly
| into this
| endeavor.  Let me know your thoughts...

I am intrigued by this.  A few questions, though:

- Who would comprise this constituency?

- What would its mission be?

- Is this a separate effort from our At Large effort, or are you offering us
an alternate focus for our existing organization?

Depending on your answers, I'd definitely be interested in something like

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon
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