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Re: [atlarge-discuss] I can see how new members here can get confused ...

At 02:36 a.m. 22/02/2003, Joe Baptista wrote:

So far - as a new member I would be confused.  Thank God i'm a hardened
vetran, Troll of trolls and imperial executioner etc.
You said it.

Now this place looks like the old joop place.  And it looks like the same
nonsense is going on.  nothing is getting done.  so this is the case with
democracy.  the edges get worn with such banter.
You are right. It looks like the old IDNO, because the same thing threatens to happen: people who are actually able to democratically agree on a political virtual organizing structure and set a sample .

This must be prevented or postponed at all costs.

First professionals like Crispin and Crocker are dispatched to discourage serious participation with nitric acid ad hominems.
Then infiltrators like Walsh and Thornton appear and try to grab the levers.

All these intelligent people end up doing damage to their own name. Why?

Finally, and this is generally when things get critical, the Goader , Joao Baptista appears.
(This is when either the organization tears itself apart or everyone runs away)

You fulfill a good role here, Joe.
Your actions force us to think about what edge-control of the names and numbers would really mean.


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