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[atlarge-discuss] Jefsey beware - New House anti-spam bill features stiff criminal penalties

Jefsey, Eric, Bruce and all fellow members,

FYI for Jefsey's, Eric's and Bruce's execlub.org spam, and beware:

and  http://news.com.com/2100-1025-1009467.html

Antispam measure gains steam in House
   By Declan McCullagh
   May 23, 2003, 7:16 AM PT

   Antispam sentiment on Capitol Hill is growing, with a new proposal in

   the House of Representatives promising to slap the worst bulk
   e-mailers with prison terms and millions of dollars in fines.

   The bill, called the Reduction in Distribution of Spam Act, is
   sponsored by Rep. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and has the support of two
   powerful committee chairmen, making it the most likely measure to
   prevail in the House.


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 131k members/stakeholders strong!)
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