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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Re: Jeff Williams

Here's my take on the whole Jeff Williams thing.  Most of this has been said
by me before.

Yes, Jeff posts too much.  But the same has been said of myself at times,
given how I post in spurts (and probably will be said tonight after I post
the boat load of messages I have collecting in the "Messages to Send From
Home" folder -- 12 and counting, including this one!).  But if you analyze
Jeff's posts, when he's not responding to others who are also off topic when
slamming *him*, he is most often posting very relavent, well-reasoned
argumets that are very much on topic.

I also remember the very dark days on the old ALSC forum -- after ICANN
announced its intent to throw the At Large out with the garbage -- when
Jeff, myself and a few others were the only ones keeping the At Large
conversation alive.  So this organization owes its very existance in part to
his tenacity.

Finally, I refuse to fall into the "Jeff isn't real" argument.  I've talked
to him on the phone before, so I know he's a real person.  As to his claimed
affiliations, I could care less: this is a *user* organization.  We have
many members with memberships, and even leadership roles, in other
companies, organizations or government agencies.  None of those affiliations
mean squat here.  In this organization members represent only themselves.
So Jeff's affiliations are immaterial.  Here he represents only himself.  As
do we all only represent our individual selves.  One Person, one vote.

So, folks, quit driving up the noise level on this list by making off-topic
posts about Jeff, and treat him the same as everyone else: read and comment
on his on-topic comments, and ignore the off topic ones!

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon
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