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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Is This The Party To Whom I Am Speaking...

bruce@barelyadequate.info wrote:

Joop Teernstra wrote:

| I "failed" to organize the election, because I was not given
| the latest
| voters list and I did not want to claim the "authority" that
| Jefsey and Bruce claim.

This implies that we somehow are claiming something inappropriately.  In
fact, we were elected by the membership. To be exact, we were the only ones
elected by the membership who didn't reneg on our responsibility to carry
out the mandate of the membership.

You were not elected at all. You happened to be a candidate in the last election who LOST! You were "promoted" by Vittorio Bertola from a loser into a panelist when everyone else had either dropped out or disappeared. Vittorio had no right to do such a thing, and there was no structure or mandate for such a move. In any country in the world, the last thing that happens when a government dissolves is for the losers in the last election to be considered the "elected" government simply because they recived a few votes (but ultimately LOST !) in the previous balloting! It only happens that way when a coup of some kind takes place... Your little triumvirate is an engineered coup, and many of us know who the architects are. You're just one of the lackeys and believe me, it shows. Do not for one moment believe you can pass of the idea that you are somehow carrying out the 'will of the members' as you have no mandate granted you by the membership, NONE.

We have an "election" in which the one person running the "process" (if it can be so called), is also the same person who nominated and then FRAUDULENTLY seconded his own nominations, and yet you're okay with that... that speaks volumes about your lack of character and generally unethical nature. You are shameless and you have no honour. Whatever happened to the lessons about honour I am sure they tried to instill in the USAF? You obviously have none. Shame on you for darkening the image of the USAF by daring to use honourable words to cloak your shamelessness.

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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