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Re: [atlarge-discuss] MEMEBRS AS WATCHDOGS - RECOUNT

On 21:52 01/06/03, Walter Schmidt said:
On Sun, 1 Jun 2003, Jefsey Morfin wrote:
> 1. the atlarge.wtc is the file with all the data filed at
> atlarge@execlub.org 2. have been removed everything which could break
> the secret of the vote 3. the lines are made as follows;

There is no apparent way to check that
(1) only valid member's votes were counted,
You have the list of the voters.

(2) what was counted was the vote as each member sent it in.
1. you have the program which took the raw data and removed the noise (and identification means to preserve the secrecy fo the vote).
2. the raw data have been zipped and crypted and passed to serveral. The password can be given to a Panel nominated committee - the aim is to preserve the secrecy of the votes and to protect them from clones.

If I am wrong, please explain it to me - thanks in advance

> Walter claimed there was no transparency in Watchdogs.
  ...not what I said - I used real, objective details such as my two
points above - transparency is subjective term.
I understand. The target is transparency and secret protection in a potential clone environment.
I think that the system we ran did that.

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