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RE: [atlarge-discuss] ICANNAtlarge trademark infringement (was LET'S GET GOING: Determining a Chair forthePanel)

At 08:11 PM 6/7/2003 +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
At 06:17 p.m. 7/06/2003, James S. Tyre wrote:

Is the fear of being sued so strong in the US that people with a just and strong case can be intimidated simply because they cannot afford a defence?
Speaking as a US litigator for 24 years, emphatically "yes."
I was afraid that things had come to that in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave but it is still distressing to hear a practitioner confirm it.

What about the quality of Justice?
Too often proportionate to who can pay the most for quality. Not always though, Karl's case against ICANN being a near and dear counterpoint for obvious reasons.

Too often, the little guy just can't afford justice; particularly in civil cases, where, unlike criminal ones, there is no right to have counsel appointed if the little guy can't afford his (her) own. I'm very far from being the only lawyer who routinely stands up for the little guy, even if it means little or no pay for me; but there aren't nearly enough of us.

but the American rule, unlike the English rule, is that attorney fees are not routinely awarded to the prevailing party, they are the exception to the rule, and only if there is a specific authorizing statute or contractual provision.

In other words, should I take threats not to set foot in the US (or get sued under whatever pretext) seriously?
Have you had such threats? I'm not aware of any, though there are many facts of which I'm not aware. Obviously, I can offer no guarantees, but if it were me, I wouldn't be too concerned about coming to the US. Part of that is a gut level feeling that, other things being equal, Twomey would be less likely to authorize the lawsuit than Lynn would have been; but that's only a feeling.

Or do you think an icannatlarge call for legal help would be a shield?
Realistically, no. As well-intentioned as such calls are, they rarely result in much of tangible value.

This is veering off topic, but I think I need to say it. When I resumed posting here a few weeks back (maybe less), I mentioned that I had good but personal reasons for being absent for a long time, even though I do care about this organization. So allow me to say that those reasons, which have nothing at all to do with my hope that we succeed here, would prevent me from representing the organization (or panelists, or ...) if there should be a lawsuit, even in my immediate locality; or, for that matter, from taking a more active role in the foreseeable future. The reasons are highly personal, I have no conflict of interest or anything similar. I do not assume that anyone necessarily would want to hire me, but being aware that I am the only US lawyer currently posting here, I do not want to give people the wrong idea.

James S. Tyre mailto:jstyre@jstyre.com
Law Offices of James S. Tyre 310-839-4114/310-839-4602(fax)
10736 Jefferson Blvd., #512 Culver City, CA 90230-4969
Co-founder, The Censorware Project http://censorware.net

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