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RE: [atlarge-discuss] ICANNAtlarge trademark infringement (was LET'S GET GOING: Determining a Chair forthePanel)

At 06:17 p.m. 7/06/2003, James S. Tyre wrote:

Is the fear of being sued so strong in the US that people with a just and strong case can be intimidated simply because they cannot afford a defence?
Speaking as a US litigator for 24 years, emphatically "yes."
I was afraid that things had come to that in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave but it is still distressing to hear a practitioner confirm it.

What about the quality of Justice?

Are there not penalties awarded for frivolous lawsuits?

Yes, but frivolous is a term of art with a precise meaning. Though I believe that ICANN would lose a lawsuit over the domain name, it would not be found to be frivolous.
Also, I don't presume to know what the rule is in New Zealand,
I'm not sure either. I don't practice.

but the American rule, unlike the English rule, is that attorney fees are not routinely awarded to the prevailing party, they are the exception to the rule, and only if there is a specific authorizing statute or contractual provision.

In other words, should I take threats not to set foot in the US (or get sued under whatever pretext) seriously?
Or do you think an icannatlarge call for legal help would be a shield?


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