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RE: [atlarge-discuss] [Fwd: Re: [Panel] RE: [Panel] MOTION #2003-0 - Chair Rotation and Responsibilities]

Abel is correct here, both historically and technically (to the extent I
understand it!).  I'd be more concerned (and very little at that!) about two
former Panel members (Hans Klein and Jamie Love) being assigned to the

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Abel Wisman [mailto:abel@able-towers.com]
|  Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 8:20 PM
|  To: panel@mailman.icannatlarge.org
|  Cc: 'Atlarge Discuss List'
|  Subject: RE: [atlarge-discuss] [Fwd: Re: [Panel] RE: [Panel] MOTION
|  #2003-0 - Chair Rotation and Responsibilities]
|  Your selective posting of panel posts to the general list already shows
|  a patern :)
|  But I will gladly answer this below:
|  > -----Original Message-----
|  > From: Sotiris Sotiropoulos [mailto:sotiris@hermesnetwork.com]
|  > Sent: 09 June 2003 03:39
|  > To: At Large Discuss
|  > Subject: [atlarge-discuss] [Fwd: Re: [Panel] RE: [Panel]
|  > MOTION #2003-0 - Chair Rotation and Responsibilities]
|  >
|  > Abel Wisman wrote:
|  >
|  > >And again, no answer, no facts, nothing.
|  > >
|  > >Please state facts to backup your concern and please do not compare
|  > >pears and apples.
|  > >
|  >
|  > Where is the conflict of interest? Abel Wisman asks.
|  >
|  > First off, Abel,  let me point out the plain *fact* that at
|  > this point
|  > you hold more control over this organization than any other member.
|  Wrong, read on where you fail in your aspirations.
|  > If the official website as you and yours allege is icannatlarge.org,
|  > then we cannot overlook the *fact* that you have ultimate (albeit
|  > indirect), definite, and sole proxy power over icannatlarge.org's dns
|  > hosting which means we are effectively at your mercy as to where the
|  > site can be hosted at this time.  This, due to an as yet unexplained
|  > arrangement, and a totally unnecessary and circuitos, nay mysterious,
|  > server farm setup.
|  First of all is your reasoning wrong, based on assumptions without any
|  foundation and have all the signs of trying to strike fear with all
|  those that do not hold the knowledge to see where you go wrong.
|  I have no power whatsoever over the DNS just by hosting that DNS. The
|  sole power lies by 2 people, Hans Klein and Jamie Love who can alter the
|  appointed nameservers on the domain. I can not as the whois output I
|  posted earlier to the panellist shows clearly and as you as frequent
|  dealer in domains KNOW.
|  The so called unexplained arrangement was made by the former panel when
|  they were "pushed" out of the domain and the site i.e. the forums were
|  hacked. Hans Klein, or Jamie Love pointed the nameservers to my
|  server(s) and I pointed the domain to its current host. I have no access
|  to that host. I have not changed that pointing in the DNS files.
|  What mysterious server farm you conjer up here I have no idea of, but a
|  server farm is a defined term I suggest you look up before you use it.
|  > Furthermore, there is the *fact* that you are a panelist of this
|  > organization.  I do not think it is appropriate for an
|  > executive member
|  > of this organization to conveniently find him/herself in such
|  > a singular
|  > position of unrivalled control over key elements of this
|  > organization,
|  > as control over the hosting (whether that be dns, mail, dbase, ftp,
|  > whatever...) would ultimately entail.  [In other words, the same
|  > argument(s) that you use against Joop apply just as much to
|  > you.]  This
|  > is not personal, I am just being pragmatic in the interest of
|  > the whole
|  > organization and its possible future.
|  Your "pragmatism" know its selectiveness, as you support a move to the
|  icannatlarge.com domain and this whilst knowing that Joop has already
|  answered a question from Daniel Chirita for access to that site with a
|  NO.
|  You forget to consider that I only offer the server, including root
|  acces to those who have sufficient knowledge to administer such a system
|  and dedicated ftp access in different levels to all those that need such
|  access, as well as shell acess for those that require it.
|  I fail to see where I would have key element under my control,
|  especially as I also proposed the idea of mirror-sites so that we would
|  not be dependant on one server. Your selective pragmatism is not in the
|  best interest of this organization despite your statement.
|  > Not to mention that I certainly do not think it is
|  > appropriate that you
|  > should be the one to request/offer it...  No offense, but it sounds
|  > somewhat Pisistratean to me.  I think it's certainly a generous offer
|  > you make, but I think it is better for this organization to
|  > stay free of
|  > such obligations.  thank you nonetheless.
|  Whilst showing that you know Herodotus' account you forget the total
|  story, I suggest you read it again and compare it to your own sitution
|  and see what number your currenty try to gain dictatorship is.
|  I do wonder why I would not be appropriate to offer the service, seeing
|  as I host server for a living and am thus in the circumstances to do so,
|  without occuring out of pocket expenses. Unlike hosting by a 2d party
|  against payment from one person and with only singular non root access.
|  I have not asked for any reimbursement, have not made any conditions so
|  I also fail to see the obligations the organization should be under.
|  > Whatever setup Vittorio was responsible for is not
|  > transferrable.  The
|  > membership desired change, NOT a continuance of the same state of
|  > affairs.  You have altogether too much undelegated control over this
|  > organization.  In this panel, we are unequal as to our abilities to
|  > affect the organization's potential future due to your
|  > incommensurately
|  > large portion of influence over its "assets", if you like.  In old
|  > Athens, someone like you would have been ostracize at this point.
|  Which is of course exactly what you would like to do to all that oppose
|  you, such has been already been noted.
|  If we are unequal in our abilities to affect the organization's
|  potential then such lies not within my alleged potential or direct
|  influence over its assets, but in the way we approach things,
|  destructiveness never accomplished anything.
|  > >
|  > >Abel
|  > >
|  > >P.S. As for "keen" interest, I made an offer, no "keen" interest, if
|  > >you want to make the same offer, with the same accessibility I will
|  > >support that. "in it" for me is the loss of a server I can
|  > rent out for
|  > >£ 100 a month and the bandwidth, I do not even ask for a sponsor
|  > >mentioning.
|  > >
|  >
|  >
|  > Nobody does something for nothing.  It doesn't have to be money... it
|  > could be anything.  Thanks again for your generosity, but
|  > it's best that
|  > this organization is not beholden to you, Abel Wisman, or any
|  > ONE else.
|  Which shows exactly what your think-pattern is. As they say in the
|  Netherlands; you trust the people as you trust yourself. Your world is
|  not a nice place, mine is/
|  Regards
|  Abel
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