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[atlarge-discuss] Be constructive?

Having solved some of my troubles with reading and sending mail (I even
tried to vote, but technology won against me) I'm here to write a few
words about the "Chair quarrel" that's going on.
Looking at the question with practical, and un-political, eyes it seems
very simple: imho the Chair role is only aiming the panel's actions, its
discussions, votes, etc. But it's the panel itself, all of its members,
who "has the power", and even this power isn't the definitive one,
because the membership voted and we are trying to build a
democratic (and I know that this word maybe has been used too many
times) system. I see all the personal and political questions arising,
the Chair is also a symbolic position, and who becomes Chair will
strengthen his "party" (as we saw before these election the membership
is somewhat divided between who things that it should be better to try
to go on with ICANN and who would prefer to become something completely
out of ICANN)...but I believe that having different opinion is
unavoidable and even good, as long as we can manage to discuss and find
the middle way or follow the majority's decision.
What I'd like to tell everybody is that, at last, the Chair hasn't got
all such power to deserve all those quarrels. I don't see the need of
changing him or her, giving the position to all the panel members...you
are all sensitive people, and I think that everyone of you will be
capable of acting as a guide for the panel's actions.
Now, can't we just forget all the angry, and sometimes rude, mails about
the question and let Joanna act as a Chair, even if her election has
taken place in a "strange" manner and has caused Vittorio's bitter
After all what we have to do is something different from political games
and internal struggles.


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