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[atlarge-discuss] WE HAD A DREAM, WE HAVE A PROBLEM

For more than one year we had a dream for this effort.

We had elections, Panel, ideas, feuds and great people.
We also had a problem: "ICANN or not ICANN".
Today we have a real problem "ICANN".

We known we were an impossible alliance between
those wanting to fight ICANN, those wanting to join
ICANN and a few wanting to aggregate ICANN.
Hans, Esther, me. We all hoped we could manage it.

But we cannot. Our effort seems to have been hi-
jacked by ICANNers. I will not harp on how and why,
most of us know.

Let it be only known that I tried to go by the rules.

I tried to push Vittorio,  calling for too fast elections
so he could have acted as a good Chair in following
Richard's time table which is the correct one.

I asked him in private to move ahead while respecting
democracy. I copied another Panel Member. Then I
copied ten (former) Panel members. No response or
one single delaying response ("please explain what
you want to do"). He is the only one who does not
know (I detailed him step by step what we want to
do and got the appropriate legitimate support).

I will only now copy this to all of you, to formally
ask a last time Vittorio to stick to his own word,
so we may proceed in the way we all agree.

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 13:37:31 +0100, you wrote:
>I therefore formally ask you again to release the Site
>Password to Bruce and me and the access to the
>list of our Members.
I was just waiting to see if we can approve the motion...
but tomorrow the voting closes, so I will let you have
the password.
vb.        [Vittorio Bertola - vb [at] bertola.eu.org]<---
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 21:42:14 +0100 i

So everyone knows that Vittorio is the only one
who owns the http://icannatlarge.org password
and the list of our Members. And that he does not
want to share it with the other Panel Members,
but says he looks for someone he could discuss
how to organize elections with.

This way everyone will understand the problem
we face and why I want the Panel to incorporate
ASAP, as the webmaster and listmaster of this
effort. So Members can act to get the password
from the ASP.

And then to proceed through MoUs voted, on a per
case basis by the Members, using a serious,
simple system (we agreed with Bruce on one
solution we can implement easily, every one
will understand, fully controlled by trustees and
yet where no one knows who ever voted what).


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