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RE: [atlarge-discuss] My Candidacy Information

OK, at this point I feel the need to add a word, or several....

On Saturday you loosed a barrage of derogatory emails attacking other
candidates with sarcasm and disparaging remarks concerning their
origins. Up until I read those, I had intended on making you one of my
votes.  Regardless of past accomplishments, the fact remains as noted in
other replies to your outbursts, the failures of the past should be
avoided and if this means new ideas from new participants, so be it.
The term "newbies" is objectionable and derisive.  Some others have also
voiced concern regarding new participants in this list.  Personally, I
joined the ALSG back several years ago and followed the developments
only lightly until the disastrous failure of ICANN to include At-Large
Directors. Ron's statement is not a "flat out lie" since with this
exhibit on your part I cannot imagine others being able to work with you
in harmony and commonality of purpose.  While I was initially impressed
with the regularity of your reading as evidenced by your Return
Receipts, this recent series of negative remarks has negated whatever
credit you might have had building in my voting considerations.

You want proof of your inappropriate words?  

To Gilbert: Who are you and where have you been on this (or any other
related list) prior to your being nominated?  Do you even know what

What rock did this Mauro character crawl out from under, I wonder?

If you look at the results of the Verification & Certification Crew, you
will find an objective scoring for JUST the existence of the Candidates
as far as we have been able to ascertain. The score does NOT represent
any endorsement for any candidate, which is a good thing for you sir.
You may not be a 'dictator', but it has become very apparent that you
are a definite egotist, which is not what this Panel needs.

Oh, and you can send ME $1.00 at my PayPal account if you like.  There
won't be much left to return after they deduct their fee.



-----Original Message-----
From: Sotiris Sotiropoulos [mailto:sotiris@hermesnetwork.com] 
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 5:58 PM
To: Ron Sherwood
Subject: Re: [atlarge-discuss] My Candidacy Information

Ron Sherwood wrote:

>Dear Sotiris:
>No one is questioning your experience or the work that you have done on
>behalf of the @large community.  However, if you expect the rest of the
>world to be represented here by persons with only your experience and
>history, you will end up with a panel of one.  

That's a flat out lie.

>Dictatorship may work from
>your perspective, but that is not what I understand our goal to be.

Ah the stock label "dictator"... hmm, how typical.  Yet, when have I 
been in the position of actual dictator, I wonder?  Please point it out.

 "Ron" if that's your name, I have to laugh at your "observations", 
because you have absolutely nothing to show in the way of any WORK 
produced by yourself (directly or indirectly) vis a vis ICANN,  and yet 
you somehow believe your opinion counts only because you can vote!!!

>Your totally negative attitude towards anyone who does not do things
>way, or whom you don't think worthy of your support, is counter
>to our cause. 

Oh? and what "cause" is that exactly, "Ron"?

>Also you are setting a very bad example when you bring the
>level of discourse down to one of shouting abuse at anyone of whom you

Shouting abuse?  Bringing down the level of discourse?  How?  When? 
 Prove it.

>Please remember that democracy works better when diplomacy is involved.
>iron fist is far more effective when clothed in the velvet glove.
Surely it
>is in our best interests to have skilled and experienced members, like
>gain the trust and respect of those they should be representing.  Your
>attitude recently has done little to engender that respect, but rather
>cause you lose the votes that you would otherwise gain.  Many people
>tired of the un-called for, and vulgar, attacks that are such a
turn-off on
>this list.  It is a shame that you have lowered your standards so much
>you are now one of the perpetrators of this distasteful and destructive

Prove it.  Show us all some substance of my "vulgar attacks"... let's 
see the messages you're referring to, "Ron".  Othewise, your charges are

meaningless.  Do you hope to smudge me with nothing but smoke?

>Because I do not want this third attempt at a Panel to be destroyed by
>anti-social and destructive behavior, you have lost my vote.

Why don't you save us the suspense and tell us all who you will and 
won't be voting for overall, "Ron"?  What need for a secret ballot for 
the likes of you?  But, I bet you'd be the first to cry bloody murder at

the idea of an open onlist vote, right "Ron"?  Spare us the indignant 

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos


"The science of jurisprudence regards the state and power as the
ancients regarded fire- namely, as something existing absolutely.
But for history, the state and power are merely phenomena, just as for
modern physics fire is not an element but a phenomenon.

>From this fundamental difference between the view held by history
and that held by jurisprudence, it follows that jurisprudence can tell
minutely how in its opinion power should be constituted and what
power- existing immutably outside time- is, but to history's questions
about the meaning of the mutations of power in time it can answer
				     --Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

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