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Re: [atlarge-discuss] and ALAC marches on

At 01:04 p.m. 29/05/2003, Danny Younger wrote:

The ALAC advice is nothing more than the commentary of three individuals:
Wendy Seltzer,
Wendy Seltzer has actually said things about new gTLD rollout (no top-down taxonomy please) that I'm sure the majority of our members can agree with.

Yes, we need to do our own thing, just to show ICANN that democracy is possible, OTOH we do not need to be hostile in order to make our point.

Why don't we simply provide a poll that follows up on ALAC's pronouncements and let our members either endorse or dismiss them on a scale of ten?
Or we can Poll our members on ICANN issues and then make our own pronouncements to ICANN with the .

 Vittorio Bertola, and Thomas Roessler.

Vittorio is directly responsible for handing over our members' list to Judyth Mermelstein; Thomas Roessler controls this mailing list and refuses to let us know who are on it.

Thomas, for the nth time, can you please give us the list of subscriber names, without email addresses.
We need to know this if we want to use this list for self-organizing.

If you review the
archives of the ALAC discussions you will note that other members of the Committee
rarely, if ever, make a comment, and positions are automatically adopted if no
one states any objection. For all we know, the other members of the Committee
aren't even reading the proposed statements, and there is certainly no voting
process in place (let alone the concept of a quorum).

Yes, the fraud is still marching on, and Denise Michel is personally managing
the ongoing PR campaign.
an ALAC can be used to mouth platitudes about Internet User or DNS -user friendliness for years, building credibility and then suddenly turn around and stab the User-stakeholders in the back at a critical moment, without any established mechanism like voting to make sure that nothing is said against the will of the majority.


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