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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Revised ALAC report submission schedule

Judith Oppenheimer wrote:

> It seems to me that maintaining a presence with the ALAC would be
> interpreted as icannatlarge.com (or whatever we shall be called) agreeing
> to the "consensus" of the participating group as summarized in Denise's
> report; also that "icannatlarge.com" identifies itself as one of ICANN's
> many At Large organizations as referred to in its blueprint for reform.
> ie, toilet paper.

Methinks, this is a pretty cogent analysis of the situation.  Yet, I do think
it's up to the membership (or at least its elected representatives) to decide
whether icannatlarge.com ought to be associated wih this ALAC effort.  If the
current Panel wishes, I will request that the ALAC final report _not_ contain
reference to my name as representative of icannatlarge.com.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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