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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Revised ALAC report submission schedule

I would appreciate hearing from those who would vote not to participate in
the ALAC, what their favored approach would be instead. It's pretty easy to
throw mud at one effort, but something else entirely to come up with your
own plan for influencing ICANN policies.

Personally, I hope that our newly elected leaders don't take this group -- a
group that is the best bottom-up organizational effort to date -- down a
path that will see it marginalized or completely disregarded. A thousand
people are counting on being able to make a difference.

      -- Bret

>> It seems to me that maintaining a presence with the ALAC would be
>> interpreted as icannatlarge.com (or whatever we shall be called) agreeing
>> to the "consensus" of the participating group as summarized in Denise's
>> report; also that "icannatlarge.com" identifies itself as one of ICANN's
>> many At Large organizations as referred to in its blueprint for reform.
>> ie, toilet paper.
> Methinks, this is a pretty cogent analysis of the situation.  Yet, I do think
> it's up to the membership (or at least its elected representatives) to decide
> whether icannatlarge.com ought to be associated wih this ALAC effort.  If the
> current Panel wishes, I will request that the ALAC final report _not_ contain
> reference to my name as representative of icannatlarge.com.

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