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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Revised ALAC report submission schedule

While this is not really "simply put";
I admit to baiting you in to stating your concept more concretely.
Yes it is a fine line our soldiers are fighting in the field.
Danny and Sotiris seem to be doing well.
But I wonder about respect for public input as being persuasive.
That really should be the real test.
Long live the at-large ( whatever name it adopts )

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

> Eric,
> Simply put, your persuasiveness has not been "great", therefore it has not
> had an impact.  If your arguments were sufficiently cogent on the
> desirability of a re-bid, they would have been endorsed by the NTIA...
> obviously you have not yet succeeded in convincing them.
> There are no elected At-large Board members because the Board recognized that
> fair and open elections would result in their most vocal critics being
> elected to the Board.  You have failed to persuade them that such a reality
> would be in the best interests of the Corporation -- they view it as a
> consequence that would hamstring and paralyze the Corporation, and you have
> not presented persuasive arguments to the contrary, either to the Board or to
> the Department of Commerce.
> Shouting from a rooftop and rallying the troops to a cause is one matter,
> convincing those on the other side of a table to negotiate a solution that
> serves your client's interests is another... as a man in the marketing field
> I am sure that you can appreciate the need for a thorough "selling job".  You
> haven't "sold" your position to the Board, and therefore it hasn't been
> adopted.
> Platforms for communication exist.  You know that, as I have seen you use
> them.  Unfortunately, the arguments put forth have been less than
> sufficiently compelling.  The At-Large is probably viewed by the Board as a
> bunch of malcontents, that never spend any time on the day-to-day ICANN
> issues (transfers, WLS, WHOIS), and have nothing better to do than to work to
> destroy ICANN.  Again, as a marketing man you should appreciate the
> consequences of the "image" that is being painted.  It certainly doesn't help
> to advance your cause when you are sitting down at the bargaining table --
> and make no mistake about it, this is bargaining in its purest form.  The
> ccTLDs have an SO because of bargaining strength.  The At-large has nothing
> because it has no strength and because it's leaders haven't demonstrated any
> resolve.
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