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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Revised ALAC report submission schedule


Simply put, your persuasiveness has not been "great", therefore it has not 
had an impact.  If your arguments were sufficiently cogent on the 
desirability of a re-bid, they would have been endorsed by the NTIA... 
obviously you have not yet succeeded in convincing them.  

There are no elected At-large Board members because the Board recognized that 
fair and open elections would result in their most vocal critics being 
elected to the Board.  You have failed to persuade them that such a reality 
would be in the best interests of the Corporation -- they view it as a 
consequence that would hamstring and paralyze the Corporation, and you have 
not presented persuasive arguments to the contrary, either to the Board or to 
the Department of Commerce.

Shouting from a rooftop and rallying the troops to a cause is one matter, 
convincing those on the other side of a table to negotiate a solution that 
serves your client's interests is another... as a man in the marketing field 
I am sure that you can appreciate the need for a thorough "selling job".  You 
haven't "sold" your position to the Board, and therefore it hasn't been 

Platforms for communication exist.  You know that, as I have seen you use 
them.  Unfortunately, the arguments put forth have been less than 
sufficiently compelling.  The At-Large is probably viewed by the Board as a 
bunch of malcontents, that never spend any time on the day-to-day ICANN 
issues (transfers, WLS, WHOIS), and have nothing better to do than to work to 
destroy ICANN.  Again, as a marketing man you should appreciate the 
consequences of the "image" that is being painted.  It certainly doesn't help 
to advance your cause when you are sitting down at the bargaining table -- 
and make no mistake about it, this is bargaining in its purest form.  The 
ccTLDs have an SO because of bargaining strength.  The At-large has nothing 
because it has no strength and because it's leaders haven't demonstrated any 

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