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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Revised ALAC report submission schedule

At 03:17 p.m. 15/08/2002 -0400, DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

The General Assembly of the DNSO has been used as a platform to express user
The GA also voiced resolutions (Santiago, Yokohama) about supporting the creation of an Individual Domain Name Holder's constituency *in its own DNSO* and was ignored by the Board.
As a "platform to express user concerns" it has been useful to ICANN, hardly to the at large membership.

 I regularly correspond with members on the Board through the GA,
and yes... they do answer.  The "impact" is a function of the persuasiveness
of the arguments and the degree to which such arguments enjoy community
This is a dangerous road to travel, when there are no structures and procedures to measure such "community" support.


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