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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Panel List...

Vittorio Bertola wrote:

|  In fact, it is subject to moderation. However, the panel reads the
|  list, so I think that messages for the panel can be posted there; the
|  list, in my opinion, should be kept for panel discussions, motions and
|  only, otherwise it will be very difficult for anyone interested
|  to find them among the general discussion posts.

I agree.  The panel list should be limited to Panel conversations, votes,

That said, I will attempt to read every message in the discuss list, and
answer any questions asked by the membership.  However, bear with me: I have
a *very* full schedule that keeps me away from my e-mail more than I would
like.  And as others will attest, I often only get to read/answer messages
in spurts, every few days or so, as rare free moments allow (like tonight!).
My primary focus will be the Panel list, and I'll make a point of keep up
with it daily, unless business takes me out of town (a rare event

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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