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Re: [atlarge-discuss] (fwd) Re: Let move smartly together

Hello Sotiris: 

The money is in the PayPal account regarding the following thread:

Jan Siren wrote:
I don't understand an "online Special General Meeting."  Do you mean
something like a chat room?  (Can't stand 'em, myself.)  I prefer Robert's
Rules of Order.

Sotiris Sotiropolous wrote:
There are some interesting possibilities that can be explored wherein 
Robert's Rules may be enforced and still allow for meaningful face-to-face 
(or voice to voice) interaction (i.e. the creation of a multicast 
network).  I'm not half the techie some of the people on these lists are 
and even I could toss around practicable solutions.  I, for one, would like 
to broadcast (live) the goings-on at the ICANN meeting in Montreal this 
coming summer.  I am going to try and do it using a streaming server 
software that I've been testing.  It looks quite promising.  I will require 
help though (like MONEY to buy bandwidth or free bandwidth) and a decent 
connection which may end up running a few bucks.  If any of you are 
interested in "helping", I would love to hear from you.  I'm sure more than 
a few of you would like to have the next ICANN meeting broadcast available 
to the public.  Question is, will you pony up the dough?  People pay 
exorbitant fees to watch closed circuit wrestling extravaganzas.  If you 
ask me, this could end up being a bargain in comparison.  But, that all 
depends on YOU!

Micheal Sherrill wrote:
Please explain slowly and in plain English what PayPal is and how it works. You have to set up an account at PayPal which we deposit into, correct?
Sotiris Sotiropolous wrote:
Yes, that is correct. Paypal operates as an online payment/wire service through which you can transfer funds to other individuals, or pay for goods and/or services via a secure, trusted, and reliable service. Most Ebay sellers use Paypal to process payments from customers, but it can be used to transfer funds directly to other individuals for things like personal/charitable dealings.
Let me add that it is absolutely FREE to send money via Paypal, and it only costs a small percentage to receive money. (Hence my earlier mention of Paypal transaction charges which would apply to any contributions to the ICANN Montreal webcast fund). The money you send is simply charged to your credit card and you do not have to make any kind of security deposit etc. (other than your credit card info).

One more thing, the url: http://paypal.com or, more specifically: (http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/sell/mc/mc_send-outside) Mind the wrap (if any) on the long address.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos
Hermes Network Inc.
Toronto, Canada
416-422-1034 or 1-866-991-HOST
http://hermesnetwork.com - Web Hosting & IT Services

Micheal Sherrill wrote:

OK.  Set up an account.

Sotiris Sotiropolous wrote:

I already have one. Accounts are email address based and you simply send the contribution to my email address sotiris@hermesnetwork.com (that is, you put my email address into the "Recipient's Email" field within the Send Money tab section of your own individual Paypal account once you've signed up.)

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