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At 09:29 +0000 2003/02/22, Richard Henderson wrote:
>We cannot possibly (in my opinion) start the voting next Saturday. If
>going to have a respectable process for this election, it is essential
>have a period of time for:
>(A) Nominations
>(B) Statements from Candidates (otherwise voters cannot make informed
>judgements) and Questions from Members (they have the right to question
>candidates to clarify their candidature
>(C) Voting

I agree completely with Richard. It's (more than) time that we
started thinking in terms of allowing adequate notice periods
instead of doing nothing for months and then doing things
sloppily on the pretext of urgency.

Personally, I'm swamped with greater emergencies at the moment
and can only catch up on this list periodically. I suspect I
may not be the only member with a life outside ICANNATLARGE.

Anyway, we definitely need at least a week (preferably 2) for
nominations and acceptance/decline of same, followed by at
least another week for candidates' statements and answers
to members' questions. I'd strongly suggest allowing at
least a week for the balloting itself.

Meanwhile, I will post in a separate message on the subject of
draft bylaws.



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

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