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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Panel Motion Passed! On to Elections!

At 18:39 -0800 2003/04/03, Jeff Williams wrote:
>  Hogwash here Judyth!  You made a pledge, do you recall?
>If not I shall post that Archived E-Mail of your pledge.  You broke
>that pledge.  In addition in doing so, you have earned disrespect
>and distrust.

Dear Jeff et al.,

Read the archives, by all means. You will see that the mini-ballot
option chosen by a majority of those members who chose to vote
called for me to hold the information on behalf of the group
for use in the conduct of elections.

You will also see, and I hope understand, that the call for
new elections requires that somebody conduct those elections
on behalf of the group, and that it was our Interim Panel
which was charged with that duty, not me personally or any
other member personally. There being three remaining members
serving on the Interim Panel (which, by the way, should have been
given the information by Vittorio in the first place when he
resigned), that duty falls to them.

New elections do not spring from nowhere all by themselves.
Our discussions on this list led to the distinct possibility
that Joop would organize one election and Jefsey another,
neither of which had been approved by either the rump Panel
or the membership. The result would have been the end of
this ICANNATLARGE.ORG effort in a total shambles. Not having
an agreed-upon election process would have the same result
but if no better idea comes up, ICANNATLARGE.ORG *does* have
an election procedure of sorts which was approved prior to
the previous election.

>  Members are what matters here.  And ALL that matters if
>ICANNATLARGE.ORG is to live up to it's very name.

I agree with this statement completely, and call upon our
triumvirate (Bruce. Jefsey and Eric) to present a complete
proposal and timetable for the elections as soon as possible,
after which I can only hope we will reach a consensus to
allow the elections to proceeed, after suggesting any
improvements to the proposal that may be needed.

>The members voted to disband the Panel in Joops poll
>and called for new elections.  Almost all of the than existing
>Panel members soon thereafter resigned, and a few called
>for new elections forth with.  This has not occurred.  It cannot
>safely, precipitously and honestly occur unless or until we
>have decided upon a Voting method that protects the
>privacy of the members and the integrity of the voting

Procedure aside, in practical terms we have a profound
disagreement between three very vocal members as to how
an election should be held without the intervention of the
rump Panel and without any means of ascertaining what process
the whole membership would approve.

Endless in-fighting will not resolve the stalemate and the Panel
refused to speak with one voice until my possession of the
membership list and insistence on a Panel motion compelled
them to accept the collective nature of their responsibility.

>  YOU Judyth, have without the consent of the members,
>by request of ONLY three members, sent the membership list
>which you pledged to protect to nonexistent panel members
>by your own admission.  That is not excusable unless or until
>you had the permission of the members.  In doing so you
>have surely exposed some if not many members to hackers,
>spammers, and those that would engage in identity theft by
>transmitting the membership list via FTP which is not secure.
>  Hence in my capacity as a citizen of the US, a member of
>the security community and USG, if find myself required now
>to file the necessary documentation regarding these events,
>to the proper legal authorities.  I have already been on the
>Phone today with several of those authorities in the US and
>Canada for almost 3 hours in total.  I shall be forwarding the
>remainder of the event documentation which I saved in my
>SECURE database and from other independent sources
>that are also aware to those authorities for further legal

If you choose to waste your time and money on frivolous lawsuits,
go to it. Threats and intimidation simply don't work on me,
Jeff, as you should know by now. Come to think of it, if I
were the litigious type I could probably sue you for a thing
or two, and I'm sure that with your vast organization and
expert skills, you have far more to lose than I do as a freelance
editor who has spent far too many workable hours on this
group instead of making money. Unless you can figure out how
to seize my debts, you're SOL - no house, no car, and nothing
over the personal assets protected by law from seizure. [:-)]

Meanwhile, of course, I sent the files not by FTP but by e-mail
to the three remaining Panelists. (It is interesting that after
all the false accusations and complaints against me, none of
the three had acknowledged their receipt of the files within
48 hours.) Since the files were sent to me improperly in the
first place, I had no real mandate to do anything with them
except what the voters in my straw poll told me to: hang onto
them and make them available for use in the elections.

I have done this and would gladly have erased my copies but have
acceded to the Panel's request that I hold onto them as backups,
at least until the group can agree on a third-party escrow.
As I explained to this list, the files are now on a diskette and
I still haven't opened them.

Jeff, there is no reason to believe any of the three is less
trustworthy than Vittorio who had the information before I did.
I should never have been given the files in the first place but
made no illicit use of them myself, and we all know by now you
think I'm the least honest of the lot. Meanwhile, we all know the
Web site was hacked during Vittorio's watch and that Joop also
has the membership list with perhaps a handful of exceptions.
If you get spammed or the site gets hacked again, it won't be
my fault so I don't think you can frighten me by saying you'll
try to lay it at my door.

>> In any case, I would rather this group carried on and
>> elected a new Panel which can start fresh, especially if the
>> only other option is more of the very-man-for-himself-ism
>> we've seen these past months.
>> Give the guys a break and let them do the $#$%^& job they
>> were elected for.
>  "They" as you put it, no longer exist legitimately as yo well know

As far as I am concerned (and most other members, I suspect) the
current Interim Panel ceases to exist at the moment their
successors are elected. However, the current Panelists are well
aware their mandate at this point is to properly organize the
election of those successors, nothing more and nothing less.

I look forward to seeing what happens next...



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

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