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Re: [ICANN-EU] ICANN MEMBERS' FORUM: Los Angeles, Nov. 12

Dear Hans,
thank you for organizing the @large meeting.

At 15:42 24/10/00, you wrote:
>Dear ICANN-Europe subscribers,
>Sorry to not be very active in this discussion.
>The "leader" phrase was not a good choice of words.  It is partly cultural,
>but also partly carelessness on my part.  I apologize.
>The program for the Members Forum in Los Angeles is organized by region.
>There is a time slot for a European presentation.
>What goes in that time slot is not defined.  It is for the members of the
>region to decide.
>I hope that the European members of the program committee can work with
>European members generally to decide what to say at the Members Forum.
>Hans Klein

For your information Europe has different experiences. As one of the
active French persons I will put the French experience in perspective.

-  this icann-europe ML by Thomas Roessler has served has a main
    common tool.

-  most of the icann-europe were German people who have established
    the relations with press, etc... and all the actions you followed on this
    ML.  Germany has an obvious lead with the number of @large Members.

-  there is an obvious effort by Italian people too, however less numerous
    so less structured. Netherlands were actively represented by Marc
    Schneider and his web sites.

-  icann-fra ML in French is also quite active with already several ML
    people meetings, two press releases, etc... We are incorporating
    France@large as a small @large support tool initiated by ICANN
    candidates and used for the logisitic end to receive Andy M-M in
    Paris (8/9th november), with AFNIC, DNSO secretariat and DNSO/BC,
    press participating and a meeting at the Parliament Residence.

    Another list (at.large.france, by Jean Daniel Daudin) is also active.

I maintain a list of priorities to the advantage of the Members of this
list which have been commented and argumented by several. It is
bot a concensus but a common working tool. I will update and post
it every week so people may constantly review it. It only concerns
  the building up of the @large community.

FYI I personnally campaign for the "@wide" concept, ie the "@large"
concept dissemination in the other internet governance bodies and
an independent community of the internet users, not bound by any
specific ICANNities.

Jefsey Morfin