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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Supporting Organization


I, for one, am satisfied with the work performed by the FCC.  They regulate 
the telecommunications industry in the U.S., and guess what?  Not one single 
Commission member is elected, and somehow the industry is under control and 
users are generally happy with the quality of service they receive.  Global 
worldwide elections is not a prerequisite to getting the job done.   There 
are plenty of other viable models, and declaring yourself to be "a worldwide 
election body" defines you merely as a group unprepared to be rational about 
reasonable alternatives.  Do you really care that the regulator of your phone 
system wasn't elected if the phones work well and remain reliable?  Of course 
you don't.  

The entire point of having an open list is to encourage debate and to explore 
other reasonable options.  There are lots of other user groups out there 
Eric... you should consider banding together with them rather than attempting 
to take on ICANN alone... you'll make more progress if you do.  By all means, 
assume a leadership role, but don't assume that you can shunt aside all these 
others and still call yourself the representatives of the worldwide At-large, 
it won't fly.

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