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Re: [atlarge-discuss] WG-OUTREACH 003 - Update and Action List

Ron Sherwood wrote:
    I happen to believe that our cause is good and that the issues  that we
should work to resolve are valid, and resolvable.  If we can only get the
panel or a WG to discuss and resolve one issue at a time (in an appropriate
workspace) we will have already taken a giant leap forward.  When that
happens, and Richard is setting a fine example with his WG-OUTREACH, I will
have no difficulty in starting a viral outreach program in the Caribbean.

    However, as long as there is little or no response from the panel, to
serious questions raised by the membership, we have very little of value to
reach out with.

I agree that the panel has not done a lot to make things work. Realistically, the election was right before August, a terrible time to get things done, and the panel members themselves don't really have much of a working relatship with each other so far, and it is possible things will move along a bit, although given some of the missives posted to the list, who knows.

But there is also going to be some difficultly in finding common ground on substantive issues. People act as this will be trivial, but it won't be. It may be the case that some issues regarding process or transparency will be easly for us, but other issues are likely to be more difficult.

My own preferences is to focus on solving the munane organizational stuff first,...... control over web page, bylaws, incorporation, opening bank account, sovling verification of membership issue for voting. THese are all practical problems, and if we really wanted to, these could all be "solved" with two months.


James Love, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org, mailto:love@cptech.org
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