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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [wg-bylaws] Re: [atlarge-panel] votes about to be called

At 05:47 a.m. 16/01/2003, Walter Schmidt wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Ron Sherwood wrote:

> The decision to stay within the ICANN structure (top-down) or to
> endeavor to represent the grass roots (bottom-up) is so fundamental
> that we must make a choice.

   ...yes, at the Committee not the organization level.
Sorry, but no committee carries such a mandate. And I would never give such a mandate to untested and unproven people.

Each individual member is to be offered the choice to which party (s)he wants to belong. It is a democratic right. Self-elected Party leaders decide whether to RALO or not.
The members are offered a chance to follow who they agree with and help them structure accountable leadership.

> There is no reason why the membership cannot participate in one or the
> other or both of two separate organizations with these opposing views.
> Nor is there any reason why two organizations cannot coordinate their
> goals and work closely together...

   ...yes, however, I thought we were organizing the entity that would
represent the atlarge - not just ONE of the organizations...
"We" have to organize the umbrella organization, where all parties can speak in proportion to their membership, and the parties have to organize themselves.

> But, I cannot see any way that we can realistically accommodate the
> wishes of these two diametrically opposed constituencies, and still
> democratically vote on anything.

   ...And I can.
So can I. The way to do it is the way democratic nations have solved this problem: by accommodating a multiplicity of self-structured political parties according to parliamentary rules.
For the moment I see icannatlarge.org as an empty building.

So, we either want to represent the atlarge, or we want to represent just
the atlarge-who-think-only-one-way.
Hmm. The umbrella organization does not "represent" the At Large. It is the place where the representatives of the At Large can come together to establish what they have in common.


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