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[atlarge-discuss] Polling the members [was: méthodes de travail]

At 05:41 a.m. 29/05/2003, Richard Henderson wrote:

 It is interesting to note that (to date) more people voted in
Joop's first Polls than have voted in this election.
Let's wait and see the final tally. It was a big argument that email would lead to more participation than web based polling.
I like to see how much difference it makes.

 The Poll (or a process
with the same kind of outcomes) is an essential check on panelists who may
obfuscate or undermine our work.

Joop, are you willing to set out a series of questions, in the week
following this election, so the membership can endorse this election, or
re-define panel size, or define roles and mandates and objectives (whatever
the membership itself wishes)?
The April Poll tried to do that and it was attacked and ignored because it was not "official".
To be of use, the Poll and the questions need to be uncontested.

To achieve that, I will have to ask "the Panel" as soon as it is elected to endorse the Poll.
I do not expect a refusal, but if that happens the members will take note of the Panel votes :-)

Otherwise, within time constraints, I am willing to help out.

Thank you for promising to make a start with the proposed questions here in public.
Please also post them in the Forum for the wider membership to find and debate.


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