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Re: [atlarge-discuss] WE WANT ELECTIONS NOT a COUP

At 11:16 +0000 2003/02/22, Richard Henderson wrote:
>My suggestion would be somewhat informal but would probably be
>and trustworthy.

I agree with Richard on this, too. (Rest of his message below.)

Since I appear to have been classified as trustworthy in the
recent poll and have no special desire to be a politician,
I would gladly volunteer to be one of the independent

Please do let me know soon if you want me to do it, though, since
I'd like to send the ballots to a separate e-mail address rather
than risk bouncing some if a client decides to send me an
exceptionally large attachment and clog up this mailbox.

By the way, Jeff Williams wasn't quite accurate when he said:
>>  Judyth, is very good at keeping people informed of ongoing events
>>in other perhaps helpful other organizations for this fledgling
>>organization, and may be a good Monitor for elections for this
>>organization.  However as you recall she called for me to be
>>banned from participating and basically accused all TEXANS
>>as cowboys, which is ludicrous in the extreme.
-- I wanted Jeff stopped from disrupting the work of this group
with irrelevancies about INEGroup and demands that we raise a
lot of money before deciding what we would do with it, not
expelled as a member. His temporary suspension (however
awkwardly implemented) seems to have had the desired effect and
I'm very glad to see he has been posting more cogently since

As for the remark about "cowboys" ... well, one of my
brothers is a Texan, too, and I say that about him when he
starts talking about reverting to the "Wild West" ethos as
preferable to democracy and the rule of law. If there is
anything Internet governance *doesn't* need, it's another
bunch of self-interested bullies trying to run things their
own way. This is NOT the "oil bidness". If this group is to
become anything else, it needs democratic decision-making and
an open structure before it starts purporting to represent anyone
or demanding that other people finance it, so I stand by my remarks.

Let me assure you that there is no room in my notion of
democracy for ballot-box-stuffing or "pregnant chads", and that
the idea of having three separate individuals count all ballots
and publish their counts is a good means of ensuring that no
fraud takes place as long as the counters are reasonably honest.

You will also see shortly that my discussion draft of the
membership section of possible bylaws makes it clear I want
membership to be open to all individuals and expulsion from
membership to be used rarely (if ever) and only after due
process and for sound reasons.

I don't know whether that's enough to overcome Jeff's objections
to me but I'll leave it to the membership to decide who should
and should not be trusted to do a fair count.



>I suggest we appoint 3 trusted members to act as election overseers.
>I suggest the ballot (following nomination and statements period) is
>out to all members.
>I suggest the members are instructed to 'Reply All' and that the votes
>thereby sent to all 3 trusted members.
>I suggest the 3 trusted overseers count up all the votes and check
>to see that they agree on the results.
>I suggest the 3 trusted members publish the results.
>Admittedly, this process may not be attractive once we grow bigger,
>but for
>our present stage of development it would work, and that's what we
>need. To
>SIMPLY get the thing done.

Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

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