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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Provisional Membership Committee

How about answering my questions?

As a verified member of your Verification committee, why have I not received
a single piece of correspondence from you?

Why have you communicated with individuals and publicly aired personal
information about people that YOU say YOU have verified (or not), while
keeping that information from me (and probably all the other so-called
members of your so-called committee)?

When did this committee elect you Chairman?  Or were you self-appointed?

How can the last man elected to the Panel assume the Chairmanship /
Presidency / Dictatorship of a committee that he then runs without
disclosure to any other committee member while posting the private
information he gathers to a public list?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sotiris Sotiropoulos" <sotiris@hermesnetwork.com>
To: "Ron Sherwood" <sherwood@islands.vi>
Cc: "IAL" <atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [atlarge-discuss] Provisional Membership Committee

> Ron Sherwood wrote:
> ><snip>
> >By that same argument you could publish my name, my address, my telephone
> >number, my checking account information, my social security number, my
> >credit card numbers, my employers name and address or any other
> >that may be provided to prove my existence.  We all know that is simply
> >done... only you would say that you have the right to do so.
> >
> I did not publish Joey's mother's address, did I?  Did I publish any of
> her specifics other than her name?  I'm afraid that you are reaching...
>  How about some constructive ideas on possible verification processes?
>  What did you join the Provisional Membership Committee for, only to
> present your antagonisms?  How about some ideas as to how we can verify
> the Panel members instead of your tiresome diatribes for a change?
> Amiably,
> --Sotiris Sotiropoulos
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