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Re: [atlarge-discuss] WG-OUTREACH 003 - Update and Action List

Ron Sherwood wrote:
    I am delighted to read that you believe the panel could resolve the
organizational issues within two months, "if we want to".  Does this imply
that we "might not want to"?  Two months, James, takes us to the middle of
December.  If the Panel can complete all the work that you have listed by
the middle of November, why is no one prepared to concur with my suggestion
that the Constitution, or whatever it ends up being called, be ratified by
the end of November?
Well, I think 2 months is enough time, "if we want to." Which would require some work on our (the panel's) part. There is not a lot of evidence that the 2 elected panels have large appetites for this type of work, but maybe its early to draw conclusions.

    Please let Richard move ahead with his WG-OUTREACH and encourage others
to promote active WGs, while the Panel addresses the organizational
structure.  At least that way, we can "reach out" with work-in-progress
rather than promise. And, satisfy those who are pleading for a formal
I'm please to see the wg-outreach effort move ahead. I'm just expressing a little skepticism about the realism of the plan, but I'll be delighted to be surprised.

James Love, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org, mailto:love@cptech.org
voice: 1.202.387.8030; mobile 1.202.361.3040

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